Oakland Unified School District
Julie Kessler, Director of Newcomer & ELL Programs
Jessica Jung, Elementary Newcomer Specialist
CUNY Initiative on Immigration & Education
Tatyana Kleyn, Principal Investigator
Daniela Alulema, Project Director
Juan Carlos Perez, Project Researcher
Resources & Lessons for Districts Serving Newcomers
District administrators and researchers discuss their approaches to supporting immigrant students through administrative structures, summer school, community liaisons, and curriculum that explores the immigrant experience. Presentation Deck
Helaine W. Marshall, Founder and Director, Mutually Adaptive Learning Paradigm
Annie Smith, Co-Founder and Director, The SIFE Equity Project
Efraín Tovar, Founder and Director, California Newcomer Network
Instructional Paradigms & Strategies for newcomers
Newcomer pedagogy experts share their approaches to creating a responsive classroom environment, supporting the earliest stages of literacy and oracy, and leveraging technology to enable student language access. Presentation Deck
Mutually Adaptive Learning Paradigm (MALP) website
MALP Video Lessons on PlayPosit
Make a student account and join MALP Video Lessons with this code: 25413-1218523
MALP Shared Readings on Persuall
Make a student account and join the Online Asynchronous MALP Course with this code: MARSHALL-62E87
Immersive Reader guide from California Newcomer Network
Jane Pak, Co-Executive Director, Refugee & Immigrant Transitions
Reba Meigs, Senior Project Officer, Center for Community Health, Refugee Health Unit, UC San Diego
Kristina McKibben, Executive Director, Community Justice Alliance
Community Collaboration & Social Services for Newcomers
Social sector leaders share strategies for districts to collaborate with community-based organizations to support newcomer students. Presentation Deck
Refugee & Immigrant Transitions
Community Justice Alliance
UC San Diego Center for Community Health
Afghan Refugee School Impact (ARSI) Program & Asset Map [Please add links to the below bullets - have shared the PDFs with you but they need to made available for public access]
Lara Evangelista, Executive Director, Internationals Network
Linda Le, Director of Bay Area School Supports, Internationals Network
Leigh Anne Littlefield, Senior Program Director, Fugees Family
Elisa Beth Brown, Director of Instructional Programs, Bowling Green Independent School District
Newcomer Organizations to Learn From
Leaders from the Internationals Network for Public Schools & Fugees Family share their school models and strategies for serving newcomer students. Presentation Deck
Carola Suarez-Orozco, Professor in Residence, The Immigration Initiative at Harvard
Monisha Bajaj, Professor of International and Multicultural Education, University of San Francisco, Humanizing Education for Immigrant & Refugee Youth
Jessica Lander, Teacher and Author, Making Americans
Writing & Research on newcomer education
Leading researchers discuss recent work exploring school climate for newcomers, best practices in newcomer education, and the history of newcomer education in the United States. Presentation Deck
Jessica Lander
Monisha Bajaj
Carola Suarez-Orozco