SLIFE Curriculum
With support from the CalNEW Program, Oakland Unified School District & The SIFE Equity Project have developed pilot curricular materials for SLIFE newcomer students. The curriculum is designed particularly for an ELD 1 class of newcomer learners who are below a fourth grade reading level in their home language. Materials include:
A year-long scope and sequence with core texts and objectives, aligned to CA ELDA/ELD framework
A fully developed 13 week introductory unit, including lesson plans, leveled texts, teacher slides, and student materials
Frameworks and scopes for 3 additional units
Suite of reusable differentiated tasks for content classes
All materials are freely available for public use. Administrators and teachers may consider using the materials as they are, adapting them for their local context, and/or leveraging key components.
The SIFE Equity Project and Oakland Unified SIFE Curriculum
The SIFE Equity Project and Oakland Unified School District, supported by CalNew, Partnered to create a free Open-Source curriculum for SIFE.