Title iii Immigrant student demographics

This California Department of Education webpage houses the most current official data on newcomer students in California. "Title III Immigrant Students" have the same definition as "newcomers" in California education code: 3 year or less in U.S. schools and not born in the U.S. Visit website.

CDE Data Requests & Research with
district-level newcomer data

The CDE has twice collaborated with external partners to fulfill special data analysis  requests for Title III Immigrant Student Data for public interest research purposes. We are proud of our state education agency for being a national leader in this area of data disaggregation. Research conducted by Oakland International High School and Policy Analysis for California Education was made possible with support from Sobrato Philanthropies.

Read more about the 20-21 data in the Policy Analysis for California Education report Newcomer Education in California.

For 18-19 data, see Oakland International High School's Infographic Brief for visuals and comparisons, and review its associated 18-19 data table for district level details.

California Immigrant Data Portal

This initiative serves as a resource and progress tracker for immigrants and those serving immigrant communities across the state of California. The portal presents data and case studies that can be used to better understand and promote the well-being of immigrants, their families, and their communities beyond the K-12 system. Visit portal.


Californians Together Logo
California Department of Social Services Logo
National Newcomer Network Logo