Statutory guidance

The following resources provide essential guidance and support for schools and families working with newcomer students. From state-specific policies to federal guidance, these documents and websites offer information on the rights of English Learners and newcomers, including details on legal obligations, educational services, and creating welcoming environments. Additionally, three major Assembly Bills—AB 714, AB 2735, and AB 2121—play a significant role in shaping how California schools support newcomer students. Explore these links to learn more about how these laws and resources ensure that newcomers receive the support they need to thrive in their new educational settings.

CDE Newcomer Page

The California Department of Education's newcomer students page provides information on student groups, funding programs, and resources. General knowledge and FAQs help answer questions regarding California law and newcomers. 

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CA Guidance & model Policies 

This official guide from attorney general was made to assist California’s K-12 schools in responding to immigration issues. It includes information on educational rights, handling personal information, creating welcoming environments, and interacting with the immigration system.

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Federal "Dear Colleague" Letter on English learner SERVICES

Jointly released by the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice in 2015, this letter outlines "guidance to assist SEAs, school districts, and all public schools in meeting their legal obligations to ensure that English Learner students can participate meaningfully and equally in educational programs and services."

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Letter to families on resources for english learners & newcomers

This 2023 letter from U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona provides links to a number of federally created fact sheets, toolkits, and websites providing knowledge to help serve English Learner and newcomer youth. It also outlines key contacts to request support in understanding legal obligations under federal civil rights law.

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Californians Together Logo
California Department of Social Services Logo
National Newcomer Network Logo